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Chiropractic Care

Lower back adjustmentAs a chiropractor, Dr. Ryan makes precise adjustments to your spine. In doing so, his goal is to remove any interference or inflammation to the nerves of your body. Along with chiropractic, he’ll recommend an individual Physiotherapy plan to strengthen and stabilize your problem area.

Our Chiropractic Techniques

In your care, Dr. Ryan may use different techniques depending on what is most appropriate for you. Below, you can find out more about our methods.

Diversified. Just like it sounds, this approach combines several of the best techniques into a blend of what works best for you.

Applied Kinesiology. Muscle testing is used to determine which areas of your body are weak or don’t have the proper mobility. These tests tell us what to do to strengthen your body and get it moving again.

Activator®. This instrument-assisted method is low-force. It’s appropriate for infants, people who have osteoporosis or those who don’t like the traditional chiropractic techniques.

Webster Technique. Just for expecting moms, this technique can help ensure that your baby gets into the proper position for birth. It boasts an astounding 82% success rate!

There is a broad range of ailments and concerns that can benefit from chiropractic care, such as

  • Auto accidents
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Elbow problems
  • Headaches
  • Knee problems
  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Sciatica
  • Sports injuries
  • Tendonitis
  • Workplace injuries
  • Wrist problems

We provide multifaceted care that addresses your full-body needs. In addition to chiropractic care, Dr. Ryan may recommend any of the following as part of your care plan:

Myofascial release. Also known as trigger point therapy, this approach will address knots and tension in your muscles.

Dry needling and acupuncture. The goal with these methods is to relieve inflammation from your muscles or around the nerves of your body.

Cupping. With cupping, new blood flows to an area of chronic injury, bringing much-needed nutrients to the muscle so that it can heal itself.

Physiotherapy. We have a physiotherapy technician on-site to help you through your personalized physiotherapy program.

Spinal disc decompression. This nonsurgical option removes inflammation from the nerves by creating a vacuum-like pressure. Your spinal disc can then return to its intended position, relieving your pain.

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Chiropractic Care | (303) 683-6868